Message From Principal


Welcome to Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s Sunrise School, an Institution that rests on a strong academic foundation, blended with a modern approach that seeks to mould young men and women into successful role models.

We at Sunrise School believe that learning beyond classroom is equally important as the classroom interaction. Therefore, students are encourages to organize, participate in various co-curricular, extra-curricular activities as well as sports. Our efforts are to provide education to the masses, educationally, disadvantaged and the first-generation learners. We strive to achieve academic excellence by imparting quality teaching-learning, research, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. We also wish to develop socially responsible citizens with ethics and morals, hence build the nation.

Highly motivated and qualified faculty members constantly seek to upgrade their teaching methods in order to enlarge the mental horizons of their students even as the office staff tries to provide an atmosphere of efficiency and cordiality conducive to the process of learning. Teamwork is the hallmark of our school. I am very sure through collaborative effort we can achieve more to benefit our students who are the future leaders of tomorrow.

I believe our appeal as a School rests in our strong sense of community, the values we celebrate, our commitment to realizing the potential of our students, and providing a balanced education that addresses the academic, social, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of our students’ lives. Let us all together march ahead in our academic journey with an indomitable spirit of solidarity and sincerity in achieving the objective of our mission.

Thus, our students are being prepared for a world that demands higher— and arguably, different—levels of knowledge and skills than ever before. So, we welcome with open arms every individual who is willing to embark into this enriching journey with us.
The curiosity of the young learners has crossed the realm of knowledge treading unforeseen paths and unleashing a whole new world of creativity.

We wish to offer and provide opportunities to every child & bring out the best in them. We want the students to learn lessons beyond the four walls of a classroom and allow their tender minds to feel and smell the beautiful nature, explore their potentials, fall, rise, grow and simultaneously nurture them into good human beings.

Here’s many more successful years ahead – contributing responsible, sensitive youths rather than merely literate ones to the society. I am sure, that the steps leading in this direction will surely take us on the path of glory & success. I look forward to welcome you and here’s wishing you an unforgettably enriching experience with us.