MVP Sunrise School

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School Role

MVP SUNRISE SCHOOL strives to attain excellence in a happy, caring, secure and dynamic community, where we all have the opportunity to achieve our highest potential in life. We believe our first responsibility towards our children is to meet their needs and to provide outstanding opportunities to them. We provide a range of educational and social experiences appropriate to the age, ability and needs of our students.
The school is committed to honesty and responsibility in all relationships, respecting the rights of individuals and stressing the importance of social awareness and sensitivity. We provide resources to ensure maximum educational benefit.

The school takes sincere efforts to do its best for children and we endeavour to create a caring environment, within which each child is regarded as an individual and valued for his/her own unique qualities. We wish that the child is happy, secure, relaxed and con dent in his/her interaction with people, ideas & environment and is encouraged & helped to achieve the best of his/her ability throughout the learning experiences.

Student’s Role:

Every child is expected to work optimally and to give the best of his/her abilities in all that he/she undertakes. We would appreciate our students to build long lasting friendships with their peers and strong bond with their teachers and facilitators. We want the children to show due respect to all the helpers and treat everyone at school with dignity.

Teacher Role:

The core strength of MVP SUNRISE SCHOOL lies in its large pool of teachers who are most able and efficient. Our teachers are well qualifed, talented, skilled, computer literate, efficient, lovable, caring and dedicated towards their vocation. The in-service training programmes definitely help teachers to upgrade themselves in all respects and develop a positive attitude. Various subject teachers, hobby teachers, competitive coaching trainers, soft skill trainers, sports teachers as well as the cultural club teachers possess excellent track record of their domain expertise.

Parent’s Role:

We treat our parents as the family members of the MVP SUNRISE SCHOOL family. We hope parents take an active interest in their child’s education and feel free to discuss issues with our teaching staff.